Transferring Licenses

Transferring a license is a two-step process in which the license is removed from one user and assigned to another.

Removing an active license

  1. From the website, ensure the Admin module is selected from the Module Selector   located in the upper right corner.
  2. From the navigation bar, located on the left, expand Company, and click Company Members.
  3. From the Company Members screen, click the drop-down menu next to the desired user whose active license will be transferred. The menu expands, and the user's active license(s) are displayed.
  4. Click the trash can icon to remove the license.

Assigning a license

  1. From the website, ensure the Admin module is selected from the Module Selector   located in the upper right corner.
  2. From the navigation bar, located on the left, expand Company, and click Company Members.
  3. From the Company Members screen, hover over the desired user, click the ellipsis button located at the end of the row, and click Add Licenses.
    1. From the Add Licenses window,
      1. Click the Products menu and select the desired option(s).
      2. Click Assign.

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