Email Invite Issues

If the email invite for a newly added user and/or when resetting a password/resending an invite is not being received, perform the following steps to ensure the emails are not being blocked.

  1. Check any spam, deleted and any email quarantine folders.
  2. Confirm that "" is whitelisted and not being blocked/deleted by any filters.
    1. Note: this sender domain could be blocked by both the individual's email settings and/or IT could have 'global' filters applied to all users.
  3. Have your IT department review these steps and also confirm that the email sender is not blocked.
    1. The messages will originate from an Amazon server so the following should be whitelisted:
      1. *
      2. *
  4. For additional support contact

External communication

Access to the following must be allowed and unfiltered on all client machines for Revit access:


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