Important: Mandatory License Update Required

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing secure, high-quality service, a mandatory license update is required for all users.

What This Means for You:

To continue accessing EVOLVE without interruptions, you’ll need to update to EVOLVE version 8.0 or higher by June 1, 2025.

After this deadline, all previous versions of EVOLVE will no longer work.

How to Complete the Update:

  1. Navigate to
    1. Note: All EVOLVE users must be running EVOLVE 8.0 or higher.
  2. Download the latest EVOLVE version for each Revit version needed.
    1. Note: For 2020 and 2021 versions of EVOLVE, an update has been provided at:
      1. Electrical Archives
      2. Mechanical Archives
  3. 3. Install EVOLVE, additional instructions found here:
    1. Install EVOLVE Electrical
    2. Install EVOLVE Mechanical

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